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The Beatles by Paul Saltzman

July 12 – September 6, 2024

Paul Saltzman, Rishikesh, India. 1968

Paul Saltzman

Rishikesh, India. 1968
Back row: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Front row: Ringo Starr, Maureen Starkey, Jane Asher, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Patti Boyd, Cynthia Lennon, John Lennon.
27 x 40” archival pigment print
Edition of 10

Signed on verso

Press Release

"The Beatles in Rishikesh" is Paul Saltzman's singular 1968 image of The Beatles with their wives and girlfriends at Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's ashram in Rishikesh, India. The image captures a moment in music history when The Beatles were continuing to assimilate Indian mystical and musical influences opening a new direction in their music. (In fact The Beatles wrote many songs at the ashram, including most of the songs on ‘The White Album’.) In Saltzman’s opinion, the extensive press coverage of The Beatles time at the ashram and the focus on meditation became a turning point in western civilization at a time where meditation and yoga were little known in western cultures. 

As no professional photographers were allowed in the ashram, few images of The Beatles at that time and place exist. But by a stroke of good fortune, Paul Saltzman, then 24 years old, had made his way to the ashram hoping for some much neededspiritual healing after a break-up with his girlfriend. 

With no knowledge of who was there, he arrived at the ashram only to be told that theashram was “closed”. He asked if he could wait and was allowed to sleep in a tent outside the gates of the ashram, with no promise that he might be let in.  Finally, after eight days, he was let inside. After practicing his first meditation, which he calls “a miracle” he met The Beatles. Teasing, Lennon asked him,  “So you’re American, then?” and Saltzman replied, “No, Canadian.” Lennon then turned to the rest of the group and said, “Ah, he’s from one of the colonies.” Laughing, they bantered back and forth and The Beatles quickly embraced him into their small family at the ashram.

“They were a very humorous and playful group,” Saltzman said. “But they were remarkably down to earth, and during the week I spent with them, there was no star attitude.” Saltzman, a budding filmmaker, had his 35 millimeter Pentax camera with him and The Beatles were happy with him taking pictures. Most of the pictures show The Beatles playing the guitar and talking and laughing but the most striking photograph is a more formal shot with the group wearing garlands of red and yellow flowers, while the Maharishi smiles benevolently on his charges.

Prints of this image are archival pigment prints and are exclusive to Danziger Gallery. They come in two sizes – 27 x 40 inches (edition of 10)  at $7,500  and 20 x 30 inches (edition of 10) at $5,000.

Please note that in the original negative, there are other guests behind The Beatles. With no photo releases, Saltzman has repurposed this image and photoshopped outthe other guests - admittedly making it a more striking image.